
ITU Bioinformatics Research Group members attended the Future Health Congress

ITU Bioinformatics Research Group members attended the Future Health Congress. Our group made major contributions to the conference program:

1. The Turkish Genome Project that our group has been contributing to significantly has been launched and received very well by the community. Dr. Baysan gave a demo of the Turkish Genome Project web portal.

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You can access the Turkey Genome Project web portal from this link.

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2. Mehmet Arif Ergün presented the COSAP - Comparable Sequencing Analysis Platform.

3. Dr. Cakmak moderated a panel on Genomics and Bioinformatics.

Future Health congress was broadcast live on TÜSEB's YouTube channel. You can access the replay of the broadcast via this link.

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ITU Bioinformatics Research Group members have attended the local Bioinformatics workshop at Yildiz Technical University